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从人的体验角度理解地域文化与现代技术的结合 ——以丽江裕丰名邸尊享驿栈为例

单位:西南交通大学...     作者:张斯园 李朝晖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:丽江具有独特的魅力与神秘感,吸引着国内外众多的游客。在这样一个有着上千年历史的古城里选择一个合适的客栈,听当地人交流古城的历史,会让浮躁的心平静下来。对于长时间生活在快节奏都市中的人,丽江确实是个很不错的选择,仿佛所有步入这个古城的游客,生活的步伐都会慢下来。为了满足来自海内外游客的不同需求,丽江的客栈在外观装饰元素上沿用了当地纳西民族的特色,在内部设施中引进了各种先进智能的设备。随着生活质量的提高,游客对客栈的要求也越来越高,所以研究“从人的体验角度理解地域文化与现代技术的结合”存在一定的实际意义。



中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:“Lijiang” attracts many tourists both at home and abroad with its unique charm and mystery. In such an ancient city with a thousand years of history, choosing a suitable inn and listening to the local people to share the history of the ancient city can make the impetuous heart calm down, it seems like all people went into the ancient city will slow down their steps. The exterior and decorative elements of the inn in Lijiang have followed the characteristics of the local Naxi people. In order to meet the different needs from tourists at home and abroad, the inn also introduced a variety of advanced intelligent equipment. With the increasing demand for life, the standard for hotels is getting higher and higher. From the point of view of human experience, it is of practical significance to understand the combination of regional culture and modern technology.

This thesis first analyzing the formation, development and evolution of Lijiang culture, then taking the design of Lijiang Yufeng Mingdi Inn as an example. Through exploring all aspects of the design of Lijiang Yufeng Mingdi Inn, as well as the design of the Ancient Town Inn, this thesis aims to discusses how to combine the regional culture with modern advanced techniques to enhance human experience.

Key Words:Lijiang regional culture; modern technology;human experience;  space artistic conception; the design of Inn