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单位:天津科技大学...     作者:芦宇航 张琲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:元朝的建立,是对汉传统文化的一次前所未有的革新和冲击,使汉族传统文化发生了许多转变。在此期间修建的永乐宫壁画虽然是处于元代异族文化统治下的产物,但它依然很好的承接了唐宋以来的壁画传统,并且为明清的宗教壁画做好了铺垫,是研究宋元中华文化的重要宝库。在此仅从语义层面进行赏析,浅析永乐宫壁画的历史背景、文化含义、社会传统、宗教信仰以及在后时代的发展和影响。


中图分类号:J05 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty is an unprecedented reform and impact on the Chinese traditional culture, which has brought about many changes in the Han nationality traditional culture.The Yongle Palace of the period is the product under the rule of alien culture, it is still the good to undertake the traditional of murals since the Tang and Song Dynasties and paved the way for the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is a treasure library for Chinese culture study. Hereon only appreciation from the semantic level, briefly analysis the historical background, cultural meaning, social traditions, religious beliefs of Yongle Palace murals and the development and influence of late epoch.

Key Words:religious belief; historical culture; times; art; politics change