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单位:哈尔滨工程大...     作者:马雨薇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-01

摘 要:在设计一艘舰艇的时候,符合人体工程学的设计是减少船员工作疲劳度的重要因素,并且还可以适当地帮助操作人员更好的理解并操作导航系统和舰艇的手动操作系统。然而,由于人体工程学在实际舰桥中的设计不足使得船舶的安全性和可操作性或容错率降低。因此,这些因素导致了更多的海上事故的发生。本研究对以下几个方面进行了数据整理和评估:导航的使用频率和人体工程学在实际导航中的影响力,训练船员的操作或读取数据错误的可能性,获得包括人体工程学在内的舰桥导航系统的优化布局,即根据不同的型号和大小进行不同的设计安排。对舰桥上的导航设备进行了优化布局,这个布局是根据评估结果和Lingo程序整合而得。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:When designing a ship, ergonomic considerations are crucial to minimize a navigator's fatigue due to the burden of work, and to appropriately operate the navigational equipment for each given situation by helping the operator to understand the surroundings as well as the physical functions of the ship. However, insufficient consideration of ergonomic elements in the actual design of ship Bridges is lowering the performance of safe navigation and allows for the possibility of operation or readout errors. Consequently, these errors lead to all increase in maritime accidents.Therefore, this study conducted a usability evaluation on the importance of and the usage frequency of navigational equipment, their influence on actual navigation, and the possibility of error upon operation or readout between training ship officers, to derive all optimized layout that includes the consideration of ergonomic factors for on-Bridge navigational equipment, which are currently arranged differently according to their type or size. The optimized layout of on-Bridge navigational equipment was carried out based on the evaluation results, using the Lingo program.Through the process of optimization, revised layouts of on-Bridge navigational equipment, control and display device panel were suggested, considering emergency situations(ship collision, stranding, fire and explosion, sinking, etc.) during navigation.

Key Words:ship’s bridge; layout; ergonomics; usability evaluation; maritime accident