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单位:湖南工业大学...     作者:李歆依 刘宗明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:随着社会经济的快速发展,设计服务业是国家重点发展计划,如何在快速经济发展下,培养素质高、职业综合能力强的应用型人才成为高校教育的目标。针对产品设计专业特点,文章以产品造型材料课程教学改革与实践进行思考,分析当前课程存在的问题,从教学方式和教学内容进行概括性的研究,对课程基础模块和应用模块结构进行优化设计,在产品商业化的前提下,培养学生根据不同设计选择正确材料和工艺进行设计实践。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy, the country layout key developing plan for design service industry, how to cultivate high quality comprehensive applied talents is university education goal. According to the features of product design, the paper is discussing the teaching reform and practice of material of product modeling design course, analyzing the problems of current course, from teaching content and methods to carry out comprehensive research, optimize the design of the basic module and application module structure, with the precondition of product commercialization, encourage students depend to the design to choose the suitable material and manufacturing of design practice.

Key Words:materials; product design; curriculum structure