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作者:陈云 鲁海峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-07

摘 要:国内工业园区公共空间的设计,大多数只注重环境形式,导致环境决定人的行为,忽视了人的行为与其所处空间环境的相互渗透作用,降低了人们生活品质和幸福感,影响其长远发展。通过运用环境行为学的相关理论,以人与环境的相互作用为主要考量,遵循人的行为模式,注重人的参与性和体验感,探索最适合人们行为的物质空间环境,使人与环境之间达到最佳的和谐关系,成为凝聚人们认同感和归属感、适宜人们交往与生活的公共空间。


中图分类号:B491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In modern China, there are many domestic designs of public space in industrial zones. However, those designs just lay stress to the environmental form or decide human behavior by means of the environmental impact, leading to the neglect of the mutual penetration or interaction between human behavior and spacial environment where human is located in, the decline of life quality and well-being of our human beings, and even the prevention of sustainable development in industrial zones. By using the relevant theories or methods of environment-behavior studies, this thesis, based on mutual relationships between human behavior and environment, aims to taking the users' participants and feelings into consideration and exploring the best harmonious relationship between human behavior and public spacial environment, so as to create public space of parks which benefit human’s health and mental well-being. 

Key Words:human; behavior; environment; Industrial zones; public space