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单位:西南交通大学     作者:王苗苗     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:在当今我们处在大众艺术主导的时代,新的消费观念也使当下的艺术消费和艺术创作走向通俗化,走向大众。消费社会的艺术生态呈现出新的特点,本文借助博德里亚尔的消费社会理论来探讨当今消费社会里的艺术生态新格局。在消费社会里艺术消费逐步趋于普及和民主趋向于大众艺术,艺术创作迎合商业需求追求视觉冲击力趋向于通俗,艺术并不像以前一样遥不可及,数据分析也能够创作艺术,尽管在艺术创作中艺术家常被市场所左右,创新很难而且容易被替代,但新的环境下消费即创作,当前的艺术消费大众化是有利于艺术创作的。


中图分类号:J04 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, we are in the era of popular art, the new concept of consumption also makes the current art consumption and artistic creation to popularization, to the public.The art ecology of consumer society presents new features. This paper explores the new pattern of artistic ecology in consumer society with the help of Boddial's theory of consumer society.In the consumer society, art consumption gradually become popular and democratic tend to the public art, artistic creation to meet the business needs of the pursuit of visual impact tends to popular,Art is not as far away as before, data analysis can also create art,Although artists in art are often influenced by the market, innovation is difficult and easy to be replaced, but the new environment consumption is creation, the current art consumption popular is conducive to artistic creation.

Key Words:consumption society; art ecology; art consumption; art creation