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作者:李荣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-07

摘 要:城市高层办公建筑的增多,化解了人口与土地之间的矛盾,并提升了工作人员的办公生活质量,而在可持续发展理念不断深入的今天,绿色设计将成为未来高层办公建筑的发展方向,可以减少城市资源浪费,为生态环境保护做出贡献。为此在本文中笔者将结合自身的实践工作经验,对高层办公建筑绿色设计做出以下研究。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Due to the ever growing trend of urbanization and population growth, the construction of high-rise office buildings is inevitable and will also continue at an ever increasing pace, thus occupying less precious land area and provides better work environment. However, sustainable development goals area now more adopted widely, and green architecture design will be the new trend of future high-rise office buildings, which can minimize waste and reduce the environment impacts. This paper will discuss the impact of green architecture design on high-rise office building will be studied based on practice. 

Key Words:High-Rise; Office Building; Green Architecture Design; Sustainable Design; Intelligent Building Design