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单位:中国船级社台...     作者:王建兴     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:近些年来,伴随着船舶的逐渐大型化,对船舶结构的稳定性提出了更高的要求,而焊接质量会在很大程度上影响船舶的结构强度,例如焊接材料匹配、焊接参数选择、焊接温度控制以及焊接变形处理等,都会严重影响船舶的安全性与稳定性,因此,计算的精细化以及高水平的工艺和操作保证等都是控制船舶焊接质量的关键。目前,焊接技术作为现代工业中极其灵活、常见的一种连接技术,其更是受到了社会各界的密切关注,越来越多的技术人员已经投身到相关课题的研究中,本文也主要针对固有应变法的基本概念、具体方法等方面的内容进行分析,希望能为船舶结构稳定性的提升提供一定的帮助。

关键词:大型船舶; 焊接变形; 应变法

中图分类号:TG44 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in recent years, along with the ship gradually large, put forward higher requirements on the stability of ship structure, and the welding quality will affect the strength of ship structure to a great extent, such as welding materials, welding, selection, temperature control and welding deformation of welding parameters, will seriously affect the safety of and stability, so the calculation of ship, fine and high levels of technology and operation are the key to ensure the welding quality control of ship. At present, as the connection of welding technology in modern industry is extremely flexible, a common technique, which is paid close attention by all sectors of society, more and more technicians have devoted themselves to the related research, the basic concepts, this paper mainly aims at the inherent strain specific methods such as content analysis, hope can provide some help for the improvement of ship structure stability.

Key Words:large ship; welding deformation; strain method