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单位:上海交通大学...     作者:解洋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-21

摘 要:时代在不断进步,社会也在不断发展,紧随其后的就是人民生活水平的提高,消费观念和消费心理的不断变化。人民的需求已不仅仅局限在满足基本的生活和生理需求。基于马斯洛的需求层次理论,当尊重的需求和自我实现的需求得到满足之后,这就出现了现在人们对于精神境界的更高追求。



中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:When the times are progressing and society is developing, people's living standards are improving. The concept and psychology of consumers are also changing. The needs of the people are not limited to satisfying basic living and physical needs. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, when the demand for respect and self-realization need are met, there is now a higher pursuit of spiritual realm. 

Based on the literature review, this paper explores the research status, and looks into the future trends. Now all aspects of configuration of the car has met the basic needs of consumers. Then high level spiritual pursuit and self-realization need of the car will appear. Based on the Internet thinking and automobile service mode under the background of the "Internet Plus", this paper puts forward some suggestions for future personalized customization service of the car.

Key Words:the internet thinking; automobile service mode; personalized customization service