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单位:宁夏东方钽业...     作者:刘云峰 万庆峰 解永旭 韩鹏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:本文以聚晶金刚石拉丝模具的特种加工方法综述为出发点,首先对聚晶金刚石拉丝模具进行简单介绍,然后剖析当今聚晶金刚石拉丝模具的加工方法,最后详细介绍聚晶金刚石拉丝模具特种加工方法中的电火花加工法和超声波加工法,以期提高聚晶金刚石拉丝模具的加工质量,供读者参考。


中图分类号:TG66 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, the special processing methods of polycrystalline diamond wire drawing mold are taken as the starting point. Firstly, the polycrystalline diamond wire drawing mold is briefly introduced, and then the processing method of polycrystalline diamond drawing mold is analyzed. Finally, the special processing method of polycrystalline diamond drawing mold of EDM and ultrasonic processing method is analyzed, in order to improve the quality of polycrystalline diamond wire drawing mold for the reader reference.

Key Words:Polycrystalline diamond; Drawing mold; Special processing