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单位:中国电子科技...     作者:孙德全     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:近些年来,伴随着我国化工生产水平的高速提升,化工机械设备的维护与保养工作也得到了社会各界的高度重视。然而在长时间内,由于设备的材质一般都为金属,其腐蚀问题都无法得到有效的避免,这在很大程度上降低了设备的使用寿命与工作效率,同时对设备的稳定运行造成了一定的阻碍。因此,大量的技术人员已经投身到相关课题项目的研究工作中,本文主要针对化工机械设备的腐蚀原因与预防措施两大方面的内容进行简单分析,希望能为我国化工生产活动的顺利进行提供一定的保障,同时为企业创造更大的经济效益。


中图分类号:TH16 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in recent years, along with the rapid upgrading of China's chemical production level, the maintenance and maintenance of chemical machinery equipment has also been highly valued by all circles of society. However, in a long time, because of the equipment are generally made of metal material, the corrosion problems can be effectively avoided, which reduces the service life and the work efficiency of the equipment to a great extent, and stable operation of the equipment caused some obstacles, therefore, a large number of technical personnel have devoted themselves to the study work related project, this paper is mainly aimed at chemical equipment corrosion causes and preventive measures of the two aspects of the simple analysis, the hope for China's chemical production activities carried out smoothly to provide a guarantee, and create more economic benefits for enterprises.

Key Words:chemical machinery equipment; corrosion protection; design measures