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单位:盐城市高级职...     作者:李立尧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:近年来随着我国金属材料加工技术的不断发展,使得金属材料的应用空间也变得越来越多。借助于相应的金属材料热处理工艺,可以使得金属材料的性能得以最大程度的发挥,这也就需要进一步加强对金属材料热处理工艺的研究力度。本文就金属材料热处理工艺以及相应的应用技术进行了分析研究。


中图分类号:TG154 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in recent years, with the continuous development of metal processing technology in China, the application space of metal materials has become more and more. With the aid of the corresponding heat treatment process of metal materials, the performance of metal materials can be achieved to the maximum extent. Therefore, it is necessary to further strengthen the research on the heat treatment process of metal materials. In this paper, the heat treatment process of metal materials and the corresponding application technology are analyzed.

Key Words:metal material; heat treatment process; technical analysis