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单位:娄底技师学院     作者:蒙敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:伴随着我国科学水平的进步,数控加工技术在企业加工生产中的作用越来越突出。而为了满足企业加工生产的高效率要求,需要不断创新加工技术。近年来对于在数控设备中运用ARX技术的研究越来越多,科研人员致力于分析ARX技术应用的可行性。本文从多个角度出发,探讨有关该技术运用的可行性。


中图分类号:TG659 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the progress of the scientific level in our country,NC machining technology is becoming more and more important in the enterprise's processing and production.In order to meet the high efficiency requirements of enterprise processing,it is necessary to innovate the processing technology.In recent years,more and more researchers have applied ARX technology in numerical control equipment,and researchers have been working on the feasibility of ARX technology application.This paper discusses the feasibility of the application of the technology from several angles.

Key Words:numerical control machining; ARX Technology; application