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单位:襄阳市交通运...     作者:吴华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:随着社会的不断发展和人们生活水平的不断提升,我国各行各业都在不断的发展。尤其是物流行业,发展进步尤为明显。在物流行业的发展中,最为突出的特点就是将信息技术合理的应用到了物流管理中。物流行业一直被称为第三利润的源泉,但是,实际上我国现在物流方面存在着成本较高、效率较低的问题,不仅没有促进我国经济的发展,反而从根本上制约了我国电子商务业的发展,在一定程度上还造成了资源浪费的情况发生。针对这种情况,物流企业要针对当前发展中出现的问题进行解决,通过问题的全面解决,找出影响自身发展的制约性因素,并针对这些因素进行合理的分析与解决,以便于提升自身的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:with the continuous development of society and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, all walks of life in China. Especially in the development of the logistics industry, the progress is obvious. In the development of the logistics industry, the most prominent feature is the application of information technology to reasonable logistics management. The logistics industry has been a source of known as the third profit but actually our country now has the high cost of logistics, the problem of low efficiency, not only to promote the development of China's economy, but fundamentally restricts the development of e-commerce industry in China, to a certain extent, also caused the occurrence of the waste of resources. In view of this situation Logistics enterprises, to address the current problems in the development of the solution, through a comprehensive solution to the problem, find out the influence factors of its development, and these factors make reasonable analysis and solution, in order to promote their development.

Key Words:Physics information technology; logistics management; application function; inquiry analysis