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单位:娄底技师学院     作者:刘萍     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:对模具来说,它在很大程度上对于所生产出来产品的质量、效益和开发的功能有着决定性的作用,因此人们又把模具称为工业之母。随着科学技术的发展,在模具的设计和加工过程中,人们也开发出许多相应的软件,帮助更好的进行模具的设计和加工工作。本文主要探讨了CAXA结合DelCAM在模具设计加工中的应用,具体从模具设计在CAXA制造工程师中的实现、2CAXA制造工程师和PowerMill的数据转换、模具加工在PowerMill中的高效实现三个方面给出具体的研究和分析,从而为该行业的发展提供参考。


中图分类号:G76 文献标识码:A


Abstract:For the mold, it is to a great extent for the quality of products produced, efficiency and development of the function of a decisive role, so people call the mold as the mother of industry.With the development of science and technology, in the process of mold design and processing, people have developed a lot of corresponding software to help better mold design and processing.This paper mainly discusses the application of CAXA combined with DelCAM in mold design and processing, and provides reference for the development of the industry.

Key Words:Mold design and processing; CAXA Manufacturing Engineer; DelCAM; application