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单位:山东电力工程...     作者:李平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:近年来,发电厂工程建设项目越来越多,而软弱地基问题一直是影响工程建设施工的重要因素,要提高发电厂工程建设质量则需要对软弱地基问题重点关注和研究。本文简单阐述了软弱地基的概述和发电厂工程建筑对地基质量的要求,重点结合案例介绍了发电厂工程建设中软弱地基问题的几种常见处理方法,并提出了一些优化发电厂设计结构的措施,希望对发电厂工程建设提供必要的帮助。


中图分类号:TU4 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in recent years, more and more power plant construction project, the soft foundation has always been an important factor affecting the engineering construction, to improve the construction quality of power plant will need to focus on and study the problem of weak foundation. This paper describes the requirements of weak foundation and power plant construction on the foundation of quality, combining with the case introduces several power plant engineering construction of soft foundation problem in common processing methods, and puts forward some measures for structure optimization design of power plant, to provide necessary assistance to the construction of power plant.

Key Words:power plant construction; soft ground; treatment method