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单位:中国传媒大学     作者:方心     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-26

摘 要:随着我国高等教育中艺术设计专业教育的不断推进与深入,伴随教师知识结构和业务水平的提高,学生个人主体意识的增强,教学的理念和方法也在不断的进行更新。伴随着“慕课”、“微课”等新的教学模式的出现,设计教育课堂也将由传统的教师为主体的讲授式模式向学生为主体的师生共建课堂模式转变,通过“教师讲授”、“学生自学”、“社会实践”三个维度的开放式学习,让教师和学生一起在思考的过程中进行探索和发现,完成课堂的全面共建。可预期,这种教学方法将在未来将成为设计教育发展的必然趋势。本文以艺术设计专业下的环境设计中《家居设计》课程为例,讨论“共建课堂”这一教学方法,在设计教学中的运用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Along with our country higher education in art and design professional education push forward and thorough, along with the teachers' knowledge structure and raise the level of business students personal subjective consciousness enhancement, teaching ideas and methods are constantly updated。With the emergence of new teaching modes such as “Moocs”, education classroom will be transformed from the traditional teacher-centered teaching mode to the students and teachers. Through the“teacher teaching students”“teach themselves”and“social practice”three dimensions . Let teachers and students explore and discover in the process of thinking, and complete the comprehensive construction of the classroom.Predictable,This teaching method will become the inevitable trend of education development in the future.This paper takes the design of home design as an example in the design of the environment in the design of art,Discuss the teaching method of “common class”application of the teaching method in the design teaching.

Key Words:Common class; Practical teaching; Home design