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单位:江南大学     作者:程欣怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-26

摘 要:伴随着互联网进入中国以来,社会人群根据年龄被明显地划分为三个世代——80后90后代表的数字源生代、60后70后代表的数字移民、40后50后代表的数字难民。随着老龄化社会的到来,老年人与现代社会的脱节问题不容被忽视。老年人与现代社会的代沟主要存在在文化、科技、信息三个方面。本文就老年人与现代科技生活脱节的问题,根据数字能力发展研究和数字布鲁姆的理论方法,具体分析了老年人在数字能力发展中的瓶颈以及产生的原因。并且探讨出在进行老年人数字能力培养产品时应注意的设计方法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the entry of Internet into China, the social population is obviously divided into three generations according to age: The Digital SourceGeneration represented by 80s generation after 90s generation, the Digital ImmigrantsGeneration represented after 60s, and the DigitalRefugeesGeneration represented by 40s after 50s.With the advent of the aging society, the disconnection between the elderly and the modern society can not be ignored. The generation gap between the old and the modern society is mainly in the three aspects of culture, science and technology and information.Based on the analysis of the development of e-skill and the theory of digital Bloom, this paper analyzes the bottlenecks of the elderly in the development of e-skill and the causes.And it also discusses the design methods that should be paid attention to in developing the e-skill of the elderly.

Key Words:e-skill; digital Bloom; elderly people; interact design; teach