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单位:上海交通大学     作者:沈瑶     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-26

摘 要:潇湘八景图开创了在区域内选择多个视角点观赏描绘景色的方法,创造了八景母题,为后人进行区域风景创作提供借鉴,具有重大艺术价值。通过对不同层次的文创产品价值分析,探索八景文创产品设计的需求,让大众多角度的了解潇湘八景图的艺术价值和文化内涵,同时为日后同类相关文创产品设计提供理论基础。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Xiaoxiang Eight Sceneries create a way to use multiple viewpoints to paint the scenery in a region, and create the theme of eight scenes, which is of great artistic value for posterity to create regional landscape for reference. Through exploring the product design of  Xiaoxiang Eight Sceneries, I hope the public can understand the artistic value and cultural connotation of Xiaoxiang Eight Sceneries from various angles, and also provide a theoretical basis for the design of similar works in the future.

Key Words:artistic value; product design; cultural connotation