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单位:河北工业大学...     作者:李洁 夏桐 李美     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-26

摘 要:中国很多老旧社区人口老龄化严重且小区环境设施陈旧,紧急救护过程中运送病人困难延误病程,救助设施亟待改善。针对老旧社区救护通道现状创新设计了一款多功能医疗救护担架,担架模式包括双人抬模式、平推模式、斜坐模式三种状态,转换简便快捷、体型轻巧、结构简单、便于操作。旨在危急情况下以最少人力、较轻便的结构、适应多种环境将伤者快速转移到救护车。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Many elderly communities in China have an aging population that is aging severely and the housing environment is old, and the emergency rescue process is difficult to transport patients, and the rescue facilities need to be improved. According to current situation of the innovation designed a suitable old community multi-functional medical ambulance stretcher, stretcher models including double lift, push, sit three states, conversion convenient, tiny, simple structure, easy to operation. It aims to quickly transfer the injured to ambulances in a critical situation with minimal manpower, a lighter structure and a variety of environments.

Key Words: old community; multi-function stretcher; medical aid