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作者:姚君 黄天昊 郭益诚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-26

摘 要:在我国,随着智能时代与体验性时代的到来,服务型机器人已经成为社会的研究热点,在机器人与人来的交流合作中,交互设计尤为重要。基于此,本文以服务机器人交互设计为研究对象,通过交互设计相关理论概括,分别从服务机器人造型设计和界面设计模型构建等方面详细阐述服务机器人交互设计的模型构建,再以酒店服务机器人为案例阐述交互设计在服务机器人设计上的理论验证。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: in our country, with the advent of the era of intelligence and experience, service robot has become a research focus in the society, the machines to people exchanges and cooperation, interaction design is particularly important. Based on this, this paper takes service robot interaction design as the research object, based on the related theoretical generalization of interaction design, respectively from the service robot design and interface design model to build service robot interaction design model are introduced in detail, take the case of hotel service robot in this paper, the interaction design theory on service robot design validation.

Key Words:service robot; Interaction design; The interaction process