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作者:赵智凝     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-26

摘 要:本文通过调查了解我国节水型水龙头的产品现状,认为我国水龙头目前市场:产品质量参差不齐;低端龙头占领市场;设计、工艺水平较低;对节水功能缺乏重视等。同时搜集并整理了国内外具有先进设计理念的“Go Series”、“Scroll”、“Alessi Sense”等节水理念,认为我国水龙头在设计理念应充分考虑我国淡水资源的合理利用性,逐步制定严格的节水标准和质量标准。强调节水意识,同时提高生产企业对于节水技术的研发能力、达到可持续消费的目标。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Through the survey of current domestic water-saving faucet products, and summarized problems of the current market: product quality is irregular; low-end products lead market; low design and production; and ignore the water saving function. Advanced design concepts in domestic and foreign,such as "Go Series", "Scroll" and "Alessi Sense", were collected. Then it suggested the rational use of water resources should be fully considered in faucet design, strict water-saving standards and quality standards should be formulated. With emphasizing the consciousness of water saving, and improving the design and production ability of enterprises, the goal of sustainable consumption will be achieved.

Key Words:Bathroom products; water-saving; faucet design