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作者:李越越 殷俊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-28

摘 要:萨格勒布学派是动画史上一个颇享盛名的学派,辉煌于十九世纪六十年代,以其独特的美学标准和文化内涵闻名于世,1980年代后由于特殊的政治和社会背景而渐渐淡出国际动画界的瞩目。本文试图从作品独特的美术性、声画的有机结合、场面调度的灵活运用和多元化的深刻内涵四个角度对萨格勒布学派的动画作品进行分析,试图探索其独特魅力的内在原因、解读其深刻的文化和思想内涵。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Zagreb School of Animation, which is prestigious in the history of animation, flourished in the 1860s and known for its unique aesthetic standards and cultural connotations. After the 1980s, due to the special political and social background, it gradually fades out of the attention of the international animation industry. This article tries to analyze animation works of Zagreb School from four aspects, the unique artistry, the combination of sound and pictures, the flexible use of scene scheduling and the diversified profound connotation, exploring the inherent causes of its unique charm and interpret its profound cultural connotation.

Key Words:Zagreb School of Animation; Limited Animation; Audio-visual Language