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作者:刘粮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-28

摘 要:本文以中国传统文化元素的图案、色彩、文字、材料在宽窄卷烟包装设计中的运用为出发点,分析和借鉴传统元素,形成有“中式特色”的创意香烟包装设计。让中国传统元素与香烟包装设计达到完美结合,让香烟产品与消费者的接触更为亲切,为商品销售提供有效的手段,真正促进了企业品牌形象的提升,同时让中国传统元素得到更好的继承和发扬。


中图分类号:TB482 文献标识码:A


Abstract: the design of Kuanzhai cigarette packaging has taken advantage of various Chinese traditional elements like images, color, text and material. Taking this as a starting point and analyzing those elements, this paper aims to form a creative cigarette packaging design with Chinese characteristics, believing that it will achieve a perfect combination of Chinese traditional elements and cigarette packaging design, make the cigarette products and consumers more intimate contact, and provide effective means for merchandise sales. It will also help promote enterprise's brand image, at the same time better inherit and carry forward Chinese traditional elements.

Key Words:Chinese traditional elements; Chinese cigarette packaging design; Kuanzhai cigarette