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作者:张琮璞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-28

摘 要:“人月圆”取自元代诗人的作品《人月圆·山中书事》。原文:人月圆·山中书事。兴亡千古繁华梦,诗眼倦天涯。孔林乔木,吴宫蔓草,楚庙寒鸦。数间茅舍,藏书万卷,投老村家。山中何事?松花酿酒,春水煎茶。这个作品显现出作者历经沧桑,追求脱俗的生活态度。因此,摘取了曲牌名“人月圆”作为我的设计主题。随着人们对生态环保关注,生态型酒店应运而生。携二三友人,于觥筹交错间欣赏那或姹紫嫣红或山清水秀的美景,不失为人生一大快事。将传统的中国元素融入到“人月圆”生态酒店视觉识别系统设计当中,并不机械地生搬硬套,而要在对它有了整体全面的把握后,站在高屋建瓴的制高点,用自己的理解把蕴含其中的韵味通过自己的作品以及表达方式表现出来,这样就在现在的艺术设计里面融入了中国历史文化元素,从而形成自己独一无二之风格。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:“Full Moon” derives from a Yuan poet’s work, Full Moon: Anecdotes in the Mountains. The original text is Full Moon: Anecdotes in the Mountains. The rises and falls in history are just like dreams. I am already disillusioned with the mortal world. Cemetery of Confucius, Wu Place and Chu Temple, which used to be so flourishing, have now fallen into dreariness. There are several humble cottages with tens of thousands of books in the village. So I resort to it. What things happen in the mountains? I drink piny flower wine and taste tea made with spring water. It displays that the author has experienced vicissitudes of life and got tired of the earthly life. Therefore, the tune name “Full Moon” is extracted as the theme of my graduation project. In recent years, as people concerned about environmental protection, ecological hotels emerge. With a few friends, it is a great pleasure to drink and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the life. The traditional Chinese elements were integrated into the design of the visual identification system of the "People and full moon" eco-hotel. Rather than being applied mechanically, after having a full and comprehensive grasp of it, from a strategically advantageous position, the lasting appeal of it is expressed through our own works and expression ways according to our own understanding. In this way, Chinese historical and cultural elements will be integrated into the present art design, thus forming a unique style.

Key Words:ecological hotel; Full Moon Hotel; brand design