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单位:陕西科技大学     作者:贺雪梅 马宁 于佳璇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-26

摘 要:本文通过研究史料及实物资料,分析社火马勺脸谱的文化内涵,并获取社火马勺造型元素,归纳与总结其造型元素特点,并将其应用于现代产品设计中。将社火马勺脸谱的文化特征融入到书签产品设计中,满足用户对审美和文化的需求,赋予书签产品新的文化内涵,也使现代书签产品具有更高的历史文化和艺术美学价值。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the historical materials and physical data, we analyzed the cultural and artistic connotation of Shehuo Ladle Facebook and summarized the characteristics of its cultural elements. Finally, the cultural elements are applied to the design of modern product. The cultural characteristics of the Shehuo Ladle Facebook are applied to the design of bookmark products to meet the needs of users for aesthetic and culture, to give new cultural connotation of bookmark products, and to make modern bookmark products have higher value of Historical culture and Art Aesthetics.

Key Words:shehuo; ladle facebook; feature analysis; product design