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作者:张超 莫永立 魏昕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-03-28

摘 要:本研究以老年人为目标人群进行用户研究,对其常服用保健药品的药瓶展开调查分析,发现现有老年保健药品的药瓶存在用户服药不方便,药物易受污染和受潮等问题。运用可拓学方法对相关问题和产品进行拓展分析和变换,确定解决问题的思路,完成了一种可满足多种需求的定量取药装置的结构和外观设计方案。


中图分类号:TH47 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this study, we conducted a user study in older populations, the investigation analysis of health care medicine and medicine. It has been found that the existing packaging bottles of the existing health care drugs have no quantitative drug withdrawal function, which causes the users to take medicine inconvenient, the drug is polluted and dampened, and so on. We use the method of Extenics to analyze and expand the conduction transformation on related issues and products, determine the ideas to solve the problem, the completion of a quantitative can meet the various needs of the drug taking device structure and appearance design.

Key Words:Elderly users; taking medicine; quantitative; Extenics; general design