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单位:桂林电子科技大学     作者:陈锦霞 李纳璺     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-05-02

摘 要:本文将从影响侗族造物形态的传承和保护危机的因素展开论述,从侗族的火塘文化、服饰文化和建筑文化特色中精炼设计元素,并借助建筑造型和结构设计以及居住空间的人性化设计理念与手法,探究运用侗族文化元素进行现代化家具设计的方法,对保护侗族文化传承,弘扬民族精神提供指导。

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A

Abstract:According to the influence inheritance form of creation and protection of the crisis factors, which from Dong minority’s Huotang culture, costume culture, and architectural culture, refines design elements with the aid of architectural modeling and structural design and living space of the humanized design idea and technique. It is to explore the use of Dong minority’s culture elements in modern furniture design method. in order to protect the Dong minority’s cultural heritage, this paper provides a guidance to carry forward the national spirit.
Key Words:Dong minority’s traditional elements; furniture design; inheritance; innovation