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作者:杨金玥     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-05-02

摘 要:当前的时代对于设计的要求越来越高,要求精益求精趋于完美。关注人的感受对于设计来讲是最为重要的,室内空间设计与人们的生活息息相关,一直在努力去关注人们的切身感受。在我国现代中式空间最能代表东方的审美艺术,而陶瓷艺术也是我国传统的艺术工艺,二者互相结合为现代中式空间设计开辟了新的发展方向。本文主要讲述了如何将现代中式空间设计与陶瓷艺术互相结合,以满足当代人对于空间的需求,二者的互相结合不仅促进了各自的发展,而且打破了空间设计与陶瓷艺术的局限性,具有很重要的现实意义。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the current times are becoming more and more demanding for design, requiring perfection to be perfected. Paying attention to people's feelings is the most important for design. Interior space design is closely related to people's life, and has been striving to pay close attention to people's personal experience. In China, the modern Chinese space best represents the Oriental aesthetic art, and ceramic art is also our traditional art and crafts. The two combinations have opened up a new direction for the modern Chinese space design. This paper mainly introduces how to combine modern Chinese ceramic art and space design, to meet the needs of contemporary people to the space of each other, the combination of the two will not only promote their own development, but also to break the limitations of space design and ceramic art, has very important practical significance.

Key Words:ceramic art; modern Chinese style; interior space design