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作者:陈金舰 姚咏涛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-05-02

摘 要:本文从宏观角度阐释了“中国制造”面临的发展境遇,同时提出了当前解决的问题症结,以及未来走向世界先进制造业强国的发展必经之路。通过反思传统Made in China的价格低廉,低附加值,对比了日本、德国等其他国家先进的制造业水平。同时,探究了企业良莠不齐,产品质量令人堪忧的深层次现状,提出了包括“工匠精神”、挺高国民素质教育等方法。最后,通过德国“工业4.0”的启示,尤其是对智能化的阐述,提出,我国如何从“中国制造”到“中国质造”最后再到“中国智造”的伟大的技术飞跃。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article explains the development situation of "manufacturing in China" from a macro perspective, and puts forward the crux of the problems to be solved, as well as the path to the development of the advanced manufacturing power in the world in the future. By reflecting on the low price and low added value of traditional Made in China, the advanced manufacturing level in Japan, Germany and other countries is compared. It explores the deep level of the bad quality of the enterprises and the worrying quality of the products, and puts forward some methods including "craftsman spirit".Finally, it puts forward how China made great progress from "made in China" to "made in China" and finally to " Chinese Wisdom ".

Key Words:Made in China; Craftsmanship; Chinese Wisdom