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单位:西南林业大学     作者:刘嘉玮 徐国栋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-05-25

摘 要:1907年成立的德意志制造联盟和1919年成立的包豪斯,德国的设计师和艺术家等人终于摆脱对机械大生产的否定,第一次把工业与艺术与手工艺相结合,提出了 “技术美”。技术美,要求产品包括:几何形式美、材料美、机器加工工艺美、表面光洁美、表面肌理美、表面光顺美、以及色彩感。但是他们不曾想到在神秘而遥远东方800年前的北宋末年在以上位者主导下就已经诞生几乎满足“技术美”所有要求的产品,也就是宋朝五大名窑之首的——汝瓷。谈古论今,由汝瓷入手来论述“技术美”的本质。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the establishment of Deutscher in 1907 and Werkbund Bauhaus in 1919, Germany Designers and artists finally accepted the Mechanized large-scale production, and they attempted to prove their idea of 'Beauty of Technology' by combination of industrial art and mannual art for the first time. Beauty of technology includes beauty of geometry, beauty of material and beauty of machining process. It also requires cleanliness, textural beauty and smoothness of surface as well as sense of color.However Germany artists had no idea that there had already been a product which was qualified all requirements of beauty of technology in a mystery and faraway oriental country as early as 800 years ago. 'Ru Porcelain', as the top of five most famous kilns of Song Dynasty, is this product. This article is about to discuss the substance of 'beauty of technology' through study on 'Ru porcelain'.

Key Words:ru porcelain; beauty of technology; contemporary design