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单位:天津美术学院     作者:刘湃 兰玉琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-06-27

摘 要:校园文创产品是校园文化的精髓,是校园文化历史积淀的具体表现。现在国内校园文创产品市场上的大部分产品设计缺乏创新,产品形式单一重复。无法充分表达出高校的历史文脉和高校精神。校园文创产品的设计要 从文化上下功夫,从推广产品转变到推广文化。本文从消费群体定位、提炼文化特征、打造品牌文化这几方面论述校园产品的创新研究。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Campus creative products are the quintessence of campus culture and the concrete manifestation of the accumulation of campus culture and history. At present, most of the products in the market of domestic creative products market are lack of innovation, and the form of products is single and repetitive. It is unable to fully express the historical context and the spirit of colleges and universities. The design of campus creative products should be done from cultural efforts, from the promotion of products to the promotion of culture. This article discusses the innovation research of campus products from the aspects of consumer group positioning, refining cultural characteristics and creating brand culture. 

Key Words:creative product; design; campus brand