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单位:天津工业大学     作者:吕晓华 段金娟 乔延卿 孙晓萌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-06-27

摘 要:以天津非物质文化遗产为背景,探究地域性文化衍生品设计为目的。从天津非遗在民众中的认知度与美誉度切入,提取和凝练地域性意象符号,并将其应用于非遗衍生产品创新设计中。在顺应时代需求的同时,延续地方文脉、地脉。以非遗资源利用为基点,提出非遗衍生产品的地域性创新设计方法,并将该方法初步应用于天津非遗现代文创产品设计中,为非遗产业化开发提供可借鉴的思路和方向。


中图分类号:TB47 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the intangible cultural heritage of Tianjin, we explore the design of regional cultural derivatives. From the recognition and reputation of Tianjin's intangible cultural heritage in the public, extract and refine regional image symbols and apply them to the innovative design of derivative products of intangible cultural heritage. While adapting to the needs of the times, we should continue to maintain local context and geography. Based on the utilization of non heritage resources, the regional innovative design methods of non heritage derivatives are proposed. The method has been applied to the design of modern products in Tianjin. It can provide reference and direction for non heritage development.

Key Words:Regionalism; Symbol; Innovative design; Intangible cultural heritage