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单位:湖南师范大学     作者:禹智恒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-06-27

摘 要:基于文化基源对中国古典园林进行系统的诗词描绘既能够彰显人与自然的和谐相处,同时还能够给文人以情感之寄托。晚明造园家计成所著《园冶》是我国第一本系统论述造园理论专著,总结了我国古典园林的营造原则和造景技巧,以"园林意象"营造作为叙述的出发点,其造园思想受山水诗、画影响甚深。本文故以《园冶》理论为基础、广纳画论观点、删繁就简,择其尤要者加以阐述。意在探讨山水园林绘画和园冶造园理论在空间营造方面的联系。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the poetic description of Chinese classical gardens, it not only demonstrates the harmonious relationship between human and nature, but also offer the literati with emotional support.Yuanye, written in the late Ming Dynasty, is the first theoretical monographs of garden theory in China. This composition summarizes the construction principles and landscaping shills of the classical gardens in China. And it takes the "landscape symbol" as the starting point of the narration, which is deeply influenced by the landscape poetry and painting.In this paper, based on the theory of Yuanye, the important part of the painting theory is narrated. It aims to explore the relationship between landscape painting and garden building theory in space construction aspect.

Key Words:Garden ; Painting;  Yuanye; Space construction