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单位:重庆人文科技...     作者:陈斌卿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-06-28

摘 要:摄影艺术是一项老少皆宜的活动,然而将摄影上升到艺术的高度,则需要拍摄者经过长时间,系统化的学习与思考,需要对美学以及其他相关学科有所进修了解。从某种意义上讲,景观设计师与摄影师的培养有许多相通之处。而当一名景观设计师掌握了一定程度的摄影技能后,对自身专业涵养的积累也有提升。本文将尝试以构图、色彩、动态把握等角度分析摄影对景观专业能力的促进与拓展作用。许多(景观专业的)高校在专业基础课程中,开设有摄影课程;然而也有许多高校并没有开设相关课程。是否需要将摄影纳入景观设计师的培养课程体系中,也是一个值得思考的问题。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Photography is an art activity, it needs learning and acccumulating experience to elevated to an artistry level. In this process, it has numerous similarities with landscape design. When a landscape architect learned photography well, it helps with his own major. This article will try to analyse the following apescts in the photography, for instance the composition of the photo, the colours, and so forth, that might promoting a landscape architect design skill. Many landscape faculties offered the course of photography, but the others not. Therefore, “ is the photography nessessary included in the key course system of landscape design major?” also will be a discussion part in this article. 

Key Words:Photography; Landscape design; composition of picture