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单位:1青岛滨海学院...     作者:武宇翔1 沈易培2 付志勇2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-06-28

摘 要:日益加剧的全球化进程凸显出货运行业对经济增长的重要性,而货运领域却产生了许多社会问题:燃油使用、二氧化碳排放、空气污染以及司机工作生活环境恶劣等。为了应对这些挑战,需要多元利益相关者和组织方进行跨学科共同努力。文章通过一个针对卡车司机的服务设计案例提出了通过多元利益相关者参与将社会问题转化为设计解决方案的模型,用模型指导实际的项目,通过让卡车司机、非政府组织和设计学者参与协作来验证模型,并尝试用数字化社会创新帮助卡车司机减少油耗。

关键词:协作模型; 社会创新;协同设计

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Increasing globalization of markets and supply chains means that the global freight industry is essential to economic growth. But the freight sector has disproportionate environmental and social impacts: fuel use, CO2 emissions, air pollution and working conditions. To address these challenges, the effort of multiple stakeholders and transdisciplinary organizations is needed. In this paper, we propose a model to tackle such social problems by engaging multiple stakeholders within a process of converting social problem into design solution. We study this model with a project by engaging truck drivers, NGO and design scholars to help truck drivers reduce their fuel consumption. 

Key Words:Model; Social innovation; Co-design