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单位:上海交通大学     作者:陈仁宇 尹亨建     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-07-25

摘 要:为了解年轻消费者对女性护肤品容器设计的感性认知,基于感性工学的方法,以中国大学生和年轻白领为目标人群问卷调查。通过对15个统一品牌商标处理的女性护肤品容器的感性评价数据进行主成分分析和意象尺度法分析,可知大学生人群选购女性护肤品时最看重年轻与时尚感,追求物美价廉,而年轻白领人群最看重涂抹感,追求柔美气质与高品质。同时观察到护肤品容器不同色彩、造型和材质特性对消费者感知的影响,从而提供设计指导。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:It aims to learn the sensitivity knowledge between female skin care product container design and young consumers. Based on Sensitivity engineering method, the Chinese college students and young white-collar workers were asked to evaluate their feelings towards 15 female skin care product containers of which brand logos had been unified changed, and the data was analyzed using principal component analysis and image scale method. When college students buy female skin care product, they attach importance to young feeling and fashion, including the pursuit of cheap. On contrast, young white-collar workers attach importance to smear, and they pursuit soft and beautiful temperament with high quality. And different color, shape, material of the product affect the sensitivity knowledge of the consumers, that can provide us design guidelines.

Key Words:Female skin care product; Container design; Sensitivity knowledge; Image scale method