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单位:景德镇陶瓷大学     作者:余勇 高相坤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-07-25

摘 要:现代青花艺术是传统青花的文脉延伸、历史演进与时代表达。现代青花艺术在表达方式的探索上具备了多种可能性,体现在对传统青花艺术的延续与创新,也体现在现代青花艺术全新的图式转化与作品表达。对于现代青花艺术中“装饰性”与“绘画性”的对立统一、交互融合探索是研究现代青花的重要课题。实现“绘画性”与“装饰性”在现代青花中的图式表达、技法创新和观念表现,即为现代青花艺术的创新性表达。本文从“装饰性”与“绘画性”的角度展开对现代青花艺术的研究,从这两方面的探寻与创新实践中展示了进一步探索现代青花的可能性。通过现代青花作品案例探讨现代青花艺术中新艺术形态与图式语言的表达,进一步构建现代青花艺术创作的“装饰性”与“绘画性”理论方法,从而对现代青花艺术全新的装饰图示、工艺技法与审美形态做出进一步推进,为现代青花艺术创作做出新的理论贡献。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Modern blue and white art is the extension of traditional blue and white art culture, historical evolution and expression of The Times.Modern blue and white art has many possibilities in the exploration of expression methods.It is reflected in the continuation and innovation of traditional blue and white art, as well as in the new pattern of modern blue and white art Transformation and expression.It is an important subject to study modern blue and white arts to explore the unity of opposites and interaction between "decorative" and "painting" in modern blue and white art."Painting" and "decorative" in the modern blue and white pattern expression, technique innovation and performance, is the modern blue and white art creative expression. In this paper, from the perspective of "decorative" and "painting", the research on modern blue and white flower art is carried out.From these two aspects of exploration and innovation practice shows the possibility of further exploring modern blue and white art.Through the case study of modern blue and white flower works, this paper discusses the expression of new artistic forms in modern blue and white flower art.Further constructing the "decorative" and "painting" theoretical methods of modern blue and white art,In this way, it will further promote the new decorative drawings, techniques and aesthetic forms of modern blue and white art and make new theoretical contributions to the creation of modern blue and white art.

Key Words:modern blue and white art; decorative; painting