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单位:河北美术学院     作者:宋改 周文静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-07-25

摘 要:自行车骑行一种绿色、健康的生活方式,也是时尚生活的运动潮流。儿童自行车基本是陪伴着儿童整个童年,合理功能设计、优美外观造型、绿色健康的材料和独特色彩搭配等,可以让更多儿童爱上骑行,更有效的帮助儿童成长。文章以人为本的原则对儿童自行车的设计进行设计要素分析和归纳,提出儿童自行车未来研究方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Cycling is a green, healthy and fashionable way of life. It is also a fashion trend of life. Children's bicycles are basically accompanied by children's entire childhood, reasonable functional design, beautiful appearance, green and healthy materials and unique color matching, which can make more children fall in love with cycling and help children grow more effectively. Based on the principles of the children's bicycle design, conducts elemental analysis and design induction, and proposes future research directions for children's bicycles.

Key Words:bicycle; design research; children