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单位:福建师范大学     作者:黄涵     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-07-25

摘 要:二十四节气,指的是二十四时节和气候,是中国古代订定的补充历法,既反应季节的变换,又能指导农事活动。06年,“二十四节气”经中国国务院批准,列入第一批“国家级非物质文化遗产名录”。然而随着现代科技的先进化,当人们不再需要靠记诵二十四节气来进行日常的衣食住行,如何推广“二十四节气”文化,不让这个在春秋战国时期就已形成的文化遗失?论文研究绘本创作的形式,用时下流行的插画风格表现,将中国二十四节气拟人化,做人物造型创作,意在通过绘本故事的形式让二十四节气被80、90乃至00后所熟知。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The twenty-four solar terms is a complement to the ancient Chinese set calendar, both reaction the changing seasons, but also guiding farming activities. In 2006, "twenty-four solar terms" approved by China's state council, listed in the first "national intangible cultural heritage list". Along with the modern science and technology advanced, however, when people are no longer needed by con twenty-four solar terms to the daily life of everyday, how to promote the "twenty-four solar terms" culture, don't let the culture had formed in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period is missing? This paper works will in the form of painting the creation, with the popular doggie style, will China's 24 solar terms anthropomorphic, characters creation, aimed at by depicting the story in the form of let the twenty-four solar terms were 80, 90 and 00.

Key Words:Chinese culture; The 24 solar terms; personification; Picture books