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单位:四川美术学院...     作者:布志国     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-07-25

摘 要:素描是造型训练的基础,在美术创作和美术教育中都起到了不可估量的作用。正如米开朗琪罗曾说:“素描是绘画、雕塑、建筑的最高点,是一切艺术种类的源泉与灵魂”。所以对于美术类高校和综合类高校美术相关专业的学生而言,素描课程是必不可少的专业课程之一。但由于动画专业的特殊性,人才培养目标有别于美术学和设计学等,笼统单一的内容设置不能满足其学科要求,应重新构建动画专业素描基础课程的独立内涵。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Sketch is the basis of modeling training and plays an inestimable role in art creation and art education. As Michelangelo once said, "Sketch is the highest point of painting, sculpture and architecture, the source and soul of all kinds of art." Therefore, sketch course is one of the indispensable professional courses for students from fine arts colleges and comprehensive universities. But due to the particularity of the animation professional, personnel training target is different from the fine arts and design,  the contents of the general single cannot meet the requirements of the subject, should be rebuilt animation professional independent connotation of sketch foundation course.

Key Words:sketch; animation major; transformation of education