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单位:西安工程大学     作者:崔思佳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-07-25

摘 要:该设计旨在研究设计出老年人群体适用的智能手环产品,将其应用于现代老年公寓智能家居系统中,提高老年人生活质量,缓解其子女的担忧,推动老龄化社会下我国养老模式的发展。在大数据时代的背景环境下,对老年人群体的生理心理特征、智能产品现状进行研究分析,从而分析老年人对智能产品的需求;在现代老年人居家养老的社会环境下,分析现代老年公寓功能分区和智能家居系统构建,从而提出智能手环在现代老年公寓智能家居系统中的设计应用。在现代老年公寓功能分区和智能家居系统构建的基础上,从智能手环的基本功能出发提出在现代老年公寓智能家居系统中的设计应用,为老龄化社会作出贡献。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The purpose of the design is to study the design of smart bracelet products suitable for the elderly group, and to use it in the modern home apartment smart home system to improve the quality of life of the elderly, and alleviate their children’s concerns, also to promote the development of China's old-age care model in the aging society. Under the big environment of the era of big data, based on the physiological and psychological characteristics of the elderly population, analyze the current situation of the smart products market to study and analyze the needs of the elderly for smart products, and provide home care for the elderly in the modern age group, and study and analyze the needs of elderly people for smart products. Under the social environment of the modern elderly home-based pension, Analyze the functional zoning of modern elderly apartments and the construction of smart home systems. based on the functional zoning of modern elderly apartments and the construction of smart home systems, the design and application of smart bracelets in the modern home apartment smart home systems are proposed from the aspect of the basic functional design.

Key Words:smart bracelet; the aged; smart home systems