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单位:中山大学南方学院     作者:林丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-07-25

摘 要:随着生活的发展,亲子概念、亲子园、亲子教育等观念相继出现在家长的脑海中。家长们意识到,儿童的早期教育在人的一生发展中起到重要的作用。他们开始重视幼儿的社会性发展,对孩子的关注深入到心理层面,新的育儿教育和模式很快的被多数家长接受,逐渐被全世界的人们重视起来,家长们开始学习和关注怎么样和孩子更好的相处和沟通,通过什么方式或媒介沟通,该如何享受愉快的亲子时间。所以,一个新的概念也被提了出来——亲子产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the improvements of the living conditions, parent-child education, parent-child communicate center and other parent-child concepts are raising in the parents’ minds. They realize that early education is taking an important role during the children’s growth, a comprehensive growth. They begin to concern the children’s psychological status. New parenting education model has be raised and accepted by more and more parents. Parents are trying to think and learn how to establish a better communication with their children through a new media or way. Therefore, a new concept has been raised, Parent-child Products. 

Key Words:Parent-child, Parent-child furniture, interactive