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单位:广东省财经职...     作者:康超     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-27

摘 要:本文在近年来国家教育部所提倡的职业教育要向现代学徒制方向发展的大背景前提下进行论述,建议职业院校要想实现学徒制教学模式的转变,应建立在以实质的校企合作基础之上开办“大师工作室”,并以此为平台逐步建立起符合现代职业教育发展的“产”、“教”、“研”的组合形式,最终达到现代学徒制要求的人才培养模式。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:occupation education advocated in this paper in recent years by the national Ministry of education to discuss background to the direction of the development of modern apprenticeship, occupation colleges suggestions to realize the transformation of apprenticeship teaching mode, should be established on the basis of substantive cooperation to run the "Master Studio", and as a platform gradually establish modern occupation education development of "production", "teaching" and "research" combination, finally reach the training mode of the modern apprenticeship requirements of talent.

Key Words:vocational school; apprenticeship; Master Studio; production, teaching, research