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单位:南京工业大学     作者:刘雨 贾凯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-08-22

摘 要:把解构的设计手法运用到趣味时钟系列化产品设计中,明确产品设计过程的各个环节,解构和重构的内容和方法。解构是一种由表及里的方法,可以增强设计方案的实用性、可行性、全面性;重构需要对构成产品的各要素进行整合,做到内外兼修。解构产品是展开设计活动的预备阶段,是产品设计的出发点,重构是设计创新的落脚点,对产品的解构和重构是设计师集成创新的有效手段。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:to apply deconstruction design techniques to the design of interesting clock serialization products, and to clarify the content and methods of product design process, deconstruction and reconstruction. deconstruction is a method from the surface to the inside, which can enhance the practicability, feasibility and comprehensiveness of the design scheme. Reconstruction requires the integration of the elements that make up the product, both inside and outside. deconstruction product is the preparatory stage for the development of design activities and the starting point of product design.

Key Words:clock design; Deconstruction; Refactoring; Integrated innovation