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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:刘帆宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-08-22

摘 要:世界上每年都有很多人因为溺水而死亡,对于落水者及施救者,水上救生设备起到了很大的作用。通过组合设计的方式从自救者和施救者两方面出发对水上救生手表提出改良实例。将救生绳、救生圈与手表组合设计,改进现有的溺水救生设备体积大、携带不便,或者只能用于自救而不能远距离及时用于他救的不足,为轻巧、精致、实用的水上救援设备提供设计思路。引导人们以合理、安全的方式对溺水者进行救援的同时也为施救者自身的安全提供了保障。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Each year in the world many people die from drowning. Lifesaving equipment plays an important role in saving both the drowning and the rescuer. An example is put forward in how to improve life watch in water through the combination of watch, life line and life buoy. It is designed to improve the present life watch’s heaviness and inconvenience or the limited function in self saving rather than saving others in the far distance. This design intends to provide an idea for making light, delicate and practical lifesaving equipment. It is hoped that the saver can ensure himself the security while saving others in a safe and reasonable way.

Key Words:near-drowning; lifesaving; watch; life line; life buoy