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单位:广东省外语艺...     作者:杨赛男     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-08-23

摘 要:随着生活水平的不断提高,家庭对小孩抚育和培养意识的强化,与孩子相关的产品,在中国都处于发展时期,市场前景被企业一直看好,婴幼儿户外用品就是这众多产品中的一种产品类型。由于此类产品在国内还没有健全行业标准,产品自主开发仍处于中低端层面,产品如何创新,形成国际市场竞争力,满足现代家庭日益追求的高品质婴幼儿产品需求,成为企业谋求发展的重要企望。婴幼儿产品的开发不仅要遵循设计的内部规律、消费者和市场的需求,也不可忽视社会文化和人性对产品设计的影响,只有将刚性需求和软性需求有机有效的柔和在一起,才能找到有效的创新突破口。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the continuous improvement of living standards, family upbringing and training to strengthen the awareness of children, and child-related products in China are in the development stage, companies have been optimistic about the market outlook is, infant Outdoor is one of many products that product types. Because of such products in the country has no sound industry standards, independent product development is still in the low-end level, how the product innovation, the formation of competitiveness in international markets to meet the demand for high-quality baby products increasingly pursue modern family, a business and seek development Important hope. Infants develop products not only to follow the design of the internal laws, consumer demand and the market, can not be ignored social and cultural impact of product design and user-friendly, and only the rigid demand and soft demand for organic and effective soft together, to find effective innovation breakthrough. 

Key Words:Outdoor Design; Culture bearer; Product Characteristic; Innovative Design