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单位:长春工业大学     作者:杨霞 邢艳飞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-08-23

摘 要:随着饲养宠物人士的增多,尤其是饲养宠物狗的人群数量占大多数,使得市场上出现各种各样的宠物用品。宠物业在服务行业逐步兴起,对于饲养宠物的人们来说,宠物家具很受欢迎。如何做到让室内空间不会因为宠物家具的增加而显得突兀,通过趣味化设计、情感化设计、科技化设计和绿色设计四个方面,对现有的宠物家具进行了深刻的分析探讨。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:with the increase in the number of people who keep pets, especially the number of pet dogs is the majority, so that various pet products appear on the market. The pet industry has gradually emerged in the service industry. For people who keep pets, pet furniture is very popular. How to make indoor space will not appear abrupt because of the increase of pet furniture, through interesting design, emotional design, technology design and green design four aspects, the existing pet furniture has carried on the profound analysis and discussion.

Key Words:Pet furniture; Space; Design and analysis