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单位:西安工业大学     作者:陈亭元     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-08-23

摘 要:在大工业化生产背景下,现代产品包装设计的重点开始由功能性和实用性向审美性、宣传性倾斜,如何能在激烈的市场竞争中让同质化产品脱颖而出是企业关注的事情。但包装设计在结构、用材、外观上追求全新体验,最终还会回归到产品的实用性上来。简约化、实用主义成为现代产品包装设计的潮流,符合当下绿色设计的需求。明确用户的个性化需求、把握产品包装的实用价值与审美价值,对现代包装设计具有指导作用和现实意义。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of large-scale industrial production, the emphasis of modern product packaging design has shifted from functional and practical to aesthetic publicity. How to make homogeneous products stand out in the fierce market competition is a matter of concern to enterprises. However, packaging design pursues a new experience in the appearance of structural materials and will eventually return to the practicality of products. Contracted pragmatism has become the trend of modern product packaging design, which conforms to the demand of green design at present. It is of guiding and practical significance for modern packaging design to understand the practical and aesthetic value of product packaging according to the individual needs of users.

Key Words:Practical Value; Personalization; Package Design; John Dewey