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单位:清华大学美术学院     作者:刘映廷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-08-23

摘 要:顶泰山岩为福建泉州安溪的显应祖师信仰在台湾修建的第一间寺庙,位在台北县泰山乡,早期名为福山岩,重建后更名为顶泰山岩,初建于清乾隆十九年(西元 1754年) ,经历多次重建与修缮。于西元1972年,由台湾的木雕名匠陈应彬先生设计重建,为台湾少数以木结构所建的寺庙之一。其建筑装饰上,包括独特的屋脊造型、梁柱结构,以及各样附属在建筑构件上的美丽装饰,如:彩绘木雕、石雕、泥塑、剪黏等。其中影响最大、最著名的彩绘修复是于西元2014年由台湾建筑彩绘重要保存者刘家正大师全庙彩绘完成。彩绘在寺庙建筑装饰中占有极重要的地位,在寺庙内部,可见到建筑构件上的各类色彩鲜艳瑰丽的图案纹饰、山水、花鸟、走兽以及各种不同具有生动故事性题材的彩绘图像, 如门神画、壁画、梁枋画及以顶泰山岩建庙历史沿革为根据的创作画等,其独特的造型、色彩、技巧,所表现的艺术内涵能呈现出庄严典雅的特色,更蕴含历史意义与传统文化,深具浓厚的中华民族情感与艺术价值。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Ding Taishan Yen is the first monument in Taiwan, where the main patron saint is Master Shien Ying originally from Anxi, Quanzhou, Fujian province in mainland China. It is located in Taishan Township, New Taipei City, Taiwan. It was originally named as Fushan Yen, and then renamed as Ding Taishan Yen after a reburishment. It was first established in 1754, the 19th year of reign of Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty. It underwent reconstructions and repairs in many times over the years. In 1972, it was redesigned and reconstructed by a renowned Taiwanese woodcarver Ying Bin Chen, and became one of the few temples with wooden structures in Taiwan. The architectural decoration includes unique roof shape, beam-column structure and different types of decoration accessories of the architechture, such as Painted Wood Carving, Stone Carving, Clay Sculpture, Ceramics Cutting and Pasting, and most importantly, the Art Painting. The most renowned and influential Art Painting of Ding Taishan Yen was created by Master Chia Cheng Liu, a notable artist and protector of Art Painting in temples and architecture, during a major refurbishment in 2014. Art Painting plays an important role in the decorative art of traditional architecture. All over the temple, there are countless beautiful and colorful decorations with a variety of patterns, Landscape Painting, Flowers and Birds Painting, Animal Painting and other creative paintings based on legend stories. For instance, Door God Painting, Murals, Liang Fang Painting and even the painting inspired by the history of Ding Taishan Yen. With the unique and creative painting style in terms of the images and patterns, colors and skills, the decorative art of Ding Taishan Yen presents a sense of elegance and solemnity, and also preserves values of the historical background and the traditional Chinese culture.

Key Words:decorative art; woodcarving; painting; Ding Taishan Yen; Temple